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5 Oscar things.....

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  • Even though I didn't have it on my list of the year's best films, the omission of Dreamgirls from the Best Picture race is a surprise. Only a few years ago a well-made musical about far less (Chicago) got the top prize;let's not forget Titanic beating L.A. Confidential. Does the passing over of Dreamgirls signal a turn to seriousness among the voters?

  • If the movie's good, Jack Nicholson ALWAYS gets nominated! What's the deal? I don't know if Mark Wahlberg deserved his nod more than Jack, but he did deserve it.

  • The Best Director nomination for Paul Greengrass of United 93 proves that the best director may not direct the best film. I wouldn't trade any of the Best Picture nominees for United 93, but Greengrass found the perfect way to tell that story.

  • I just saw The Painted Veil (go) and now am officially outraged that Alexandre Desplat's Golden Globe-winning score didn't get an Oscar nomination.

  • And (once again), Rinko Kikuchi....... Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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