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Highlights of the News

Donald John Trump is still our president.

ITEM 1: A reader sent me a link to this video.

Now you know the rest of the story.

Democrat terrorists set police up to look like they were OK with beating an 11-year-old girl -- whom the Democrats beat.

He sent me many links to videos of Democrats destroying America.
This is America's kristallnacht. I never thought it would happen here, but it is.

ITEM 2: The Post Millennial reported, "A weatherman for an NPR affiliate in Tacoma has been taken off the air for a personal blog post that shows in vivid detail the destruction two months of incessant rioting and protests have wrecked on Seattle."

NPR is partly funded by Red China via its TikTok company.

You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

ITEM 3: Bill Gates is the second largest donor to the Red Chinese-run WHO (after the USA, of course). He thinks he knows better than President Trump on covid 19.

I will outsource my response.
Whoever thought America would have communist billionaires?

ITEM 4: Democrats picked Kamala Harris as Biden's replacement once he is elected.

She told her husband, "Biden picked a girl and that little girl was me."

Treat Kamala like they treated Palin.

She's headed for the White House.

President Trump tweeted, "Voters rejected her. But not Joe Biden. He’s not smart."

She raised and spent $23 million on her presidential campaign, and dropped out more than a month before Iowa because she polled lower than Tulsi Gabbard. Picking Harris may put California in play.

Entertainment Weekly reported, "Maya Rudolph, who played Harris during the Democratic Presidential debates on Saturday Night Live, has some thoughts."

Rudolph said when told the news, "Oh shit. Ruh-roh."

She speaks for many Democrats.

ITEM 5: The New York Times (no links to pay sites) reported, "Retail Chains Abandon Manhattan: ‘It’s Unsustainable.’"

The story said, "The tourists are gone, the office towers surrounding it are largely empty and the restaurant’s 1,000-seat dining room is closed. Instead, dinner is cooked and served on its patio, and the scaled-down restaurant brings in about $12,000 a day — an 85 percent plunge in revenue, its chief executive said.

"Five months into the pandemic, the drastic turn of events at businesses like Bryant Park Grill & Cafe that are part of national chains shows how the economic damage in New York has in many cases been far worse than elsewhere in the country.

"In the heart of Manhattan, national chains including J.C. Penney, Kate Spade, Subway and Le Pain Quotidien have shuttered branches for good. Many other large brands, like Victoria’s Secret and the Gap, have kept their high-profile locations closed in Manhattan, while reopening in other states."

What Democrats did for NYC they want to do to the USA.

ITEM 6: Sister Toldjah reported, "Thanks to the Seattle City Council’s Monday vote to cut her salary and gut the police department, Police Chief Carmen Best is resigning, effective September 2nd.

"In the resignation letter she emailed her colleagues on the force, Best told her fellow officers that 'this was a difficult decision for me, but when it’s time, it’s time.' She also stated she was 'confident the department will make it through these difficult times. You truly are the best police department in the country and please trust me when I say the vast majority of people in Seattle support you and appreciate you.'"

It is systemic racism.

Best is black.

None of the members of city council are black.

Democrats are a riot, aren't they?

ITEM 7: The National Post reported, "In the latest of a number of challenges, her legal team has now asked Judge Alison Nathan to see that Maxwell is placed in the general population area of Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Centre. She has been taken off suicide watch, her lawyers say, but she is still forced to undergo round-the-clock surveillance as well as a number of searches per day."

The real question is whether she is on Arkancide Watch.

ITEM 8: Political Insider reported, "Portland Cops Arresting Female Rioter Get Asked If Female Cop Is There For Pat-Down: Male Cop Replies, ‘How Do You Know That I Don’t Identify As Female?’"

The rioters were not amused.

ITEM 9: The Daily Caller reported, "New York City rifle permit applications and pistol license requests have surged this year, according to New York Police Department (NYPD) data obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

"NYC residents submitted nearly 149% more handgun permits and nearly 340% more rifle/shotgun permits from Jan. 1 to June 28 compared to the same period in 2019, according to data provided to the DCNF by NYPD spokeswoman Sgt. Jessica McRorie.

"A total of 2,338 people applied for handgun licenses from January to the end of June this year, compared to 1,571 last year in the same time frame, according to the NYPD data. Residents applied for 1,492 rifle permits in the six-month span in 2020 compared to 441 in 2019, the data show.

"Handgun licenses were approved at a rate of 46% and rifle and shotgun licenses at a rate of 29% in the six month period in 2020, data show. Last year, 77% of handgun licenses were issued and 61% of long gun permits were approved in the same period, according to a data analysis performed by the DCNF."

The rat situation is out of control, isn't it?

ITEM 10: CBS reported, "Is Chicago’s Magnificent Mile at risk for massive store closures? Just two months ago it was the epicenter of unrest. Then this week there was a murder on Oak Street and Michigan Avenue. All of that is on top of a pandemic that has taken a toll on everyone. The Mag Mile businesses aren’t unique, but Ald. Brian Hopkins said it is the recent violence and spike in burglaries that is causing real concern now."

Democrats committed a cardinal sin for running big cities. They let crime escape the ghetto.

ITEM 11: CNN reported, "The Big Ten and Pac-12 conferences each voted Tuesday to postpone college football and all other fall sports seasons as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic, a development that may signal the beginning of the end for all sports at the collegiate level in 2020.

"Both leagues hope to play football in the spring."

Oh no!

That means players will actually have to show up for class.

ITEM 12: A reader wrote, "I love your blog. I love your daily news summaries. (Six days a week, as God decreed. Even God himself needs to rest one day a week, so why not you too? You're not better than God, are you?)

"I don't know if you take requests, but I am making a request for a shout out to Jimmy Carter. Seriously. Yesterday, he cracked the Top 100 of the list of longest-living heads of state of all time, as listed on Wikipedia: List of longest-living state leaders.

"He is the first U.S. head of state to crack the list (joining the six from Peru -- yes six -- and the three from Andorra -- yes three). Wednesday, he will be in 99th place all by himself. It's great to have an American on the list for what may be the first time ever. (John Adams lived to age 90. Maybe he would've made the list in the early 19th Century. But we didn't have Wikipedia back then. And records were very poorly maintained. So Jimmy Carter is officially our first to make the list.) It's worth a mention, no? Thanks."

Well, let's do one of those Casey Kasem Long Distance Requests to our 39th president, Jimmy Carter. He's 95 and counting.

You know how to live to be 95? Make it to 94 and be very careful for the next year.

ITEM 13: The Wrap reported, "The Los Angeles Times continues to lag far behind national competitors in its attempt to build a robust digital subscription base despite a focus on acquiring paying customers and a global pandemic to boost reader interest."

Yada, yada, yada.

The story also said, "Staffers describe an internal push for signing up new subscribers that threatens to overshadow quality journalism, a lack of transparency in subscription rates, and an executive editor, Norman Pearlstine, who has become so disengaged that he falls asleep in important meetings."

He's 77. Old, tired, and out of touch --m just like the newspaper trade.

ITEM 14: United Press International reported, "Global corona virus cases surpassed 20 million infections as the head of the World Health Organization warned the death toll would reach 750,000 by week's end."

20 million?

1% of the world's population is 80 million people.

That's some pandemic they are running.

ITEM 15: Fox reported, "If she wants to become vice president Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., will have to battle against a culture that's primed to be racist in a country where racism might be the most powerful force CNN political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson argued Tuesday."

The country is so racist and sexist that a black woman is a reporter at CNN.

It is Oprah-ism. People have it so good that they miss misery.

ITEM 16: CNBC reported, "Huawei is reportedly running out of its own high-end chips for smartphones due to U.S. sanctions — and the company may have limited options to secure future supply.

"The inability to obtain cutting-edge chips will threaten Huawei’s newly-acquired status as number one smartphone maker in the world. It could also wipe out billions of dollars of sales for the Chinese technology giant.

"Huawei may survive 2020, but the next two years could be very difficult, one analyst told CNBC."

Red China should be the No. 1 issue on November 3rd.

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