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Back to the Future... 2010. Marvel vs DC vs SNK vs Capcom

WinMUGEN select screen goes hi-res! Roster needed more slots (thanks to IMT, Scuffy Dragon, CVG United). And always this craving of customization... The extra long MvDvSvC title has no explanation (and still not today), I just wanted to make things concretely simple.

This screenpack is an edit of the old Capcom Allstars Fighting. Select screen can hold 232 Characters (+ 18 hidden chars) (+ an unselectable space for bonus chars). Option screen has been made from Final Fight SFA2 stage (converted by NeoGouki). Title screen menu made with FntEditor.

I also made a LowRes version (s
elect screen : 136 chars + 6 hidden chars), for hardcore classic WinMUGEN.

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